Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day194 Year2013 (murmurs of the heart)

I'm so lonely.
So lonely that I could die.....

....why won't I die?

No matter how much I scream, no one hears me.
There's no one who understands me.
Even if I threaten to kill myself in public, no one would bother to stop me.

Am I really that worthless to anybody?
Does no one really care about me?
Or are they just too busy caring for themselves that they forget?

I'm so lonely.
Why won't I die from this pain? This sorrow?
Even if a blade cuts me I can feel no pain.
Just this ache in my heart.
Its killing me.

It's so cold.
I want to feel cold.
I don't want any kind of warmth to pass through me.
I want to bathe in ice.
I want to drink freezing water. Eat snow.
If it would make me numb.
So that I may no longer feel the pain nor care for another.

Living alone is lonely.
I thought if I could gather enough people by my side then I won't be alone anymore.
But its still lonesome by my self.
More so knowing that the people around me doesn't care about me.

It's excruciating living like this.
Even if I pray, no God would hear me.
Even if I summon, no Demon would come near me.

Where is anybody?
I can't see them.
Why won't anyone hug me? Cherish me?
Treat me kindly? Think of me dearly....
Why isn't there like that in this world?

Where is the other ME?
My soul mate that should save me from this pain.
Where are you?
Have you died and left me already?
Even though you were supposed to be a part of me...'ve left me? All Alone.

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