The Ten of Pentacles stands for the ultimate in worldly and material success. An aura of prosperity surrounds you. Wealth and affluence are yours.
When we achieve material success, we naturally want it to last. This is the conservative, Establishment side of the Ten of Pentacles. Why rock the boat when life is fine just the way it is? This card often stands for convention - following established guidelines and maintaining the status quo. Fat cats are rarely radicals; they love tradition and the tried-and-true. Sometimes it is important to trust the known ways, but only when change is inadvisable.
The Ten of Pentacles is also concerned with permanence. Change is an unavoidable part of life, but constant change is uncomfortable. We need stability and the chance to work for a secure foundation in life. This card may be telling you to concentrate on the long-term. Work toward a lasting solution. Now may be the time to settle down and make the arrangements that will work for you far into the future.
The Five of Wands represents disorganization and chaos. Something is not the way it is supposed to be. Get some insights about what needs to be done by organizing a closet, a desk, or kitchen utensils. Can you help someone who needs to put things in order?
Don't litter. Do not throw things out of your car window. Dispose of trash properly.
Look around the room right now and pay attention to what is out of place. Sometimes, we should take a break and not react to our environment. Letting everything go is what the Seven of Cups is all about.
It is easy to worship the gods of efficiency and neatness. We like trim lawns, alphabetized filing systems and time management - the world of the Emperor. We admire order in all its forms and want everything to be just right. The Seven of Cups provides the balance. This card stands for all that is sloppy, impractical and lax.
Look carefully at how disordered your situation is. Is everything too controlled and regular? Perhaps you need to let things fall apart a little. When a rigid system breaks up, there can be a tremendous release of creativity.
On the other hand, if you are in a chaotic situation, some tightening may be necessary. No one is happy and productive in a crazy environment. Regularity gives structure to life. Taken to an extreme, the looseness of the Seven of Cups can lead to harmful patterns of decadence, addiction and self-indulgence.
Sometimes the laziness applies to your thoughts and dreams. It is easy to wish for something, but not so easy to make that wish come true. When you see this card, make sure that you are backing up your plans with work and effort. Tighten up your life and commit yourself to doing what it takes to reach your goals ... even if it means cleaning house.
The Wheel of Fortune represents unexpected encounters and twists of fate. We can never be certain when calamities or good fortune will cross our path. Sometimes we recognize that we could have avoided a misfortune, but too late to prevent it. Similarly, we chastise ourselves for not having had the foresight to make an investment that would have changed our life dramatically or for missing opportunities that in retrospect seem obvious.
Good luck is preparation plus opportunity. We have to understand what we want and when the opportunity comes our way, we have to take advantage of it.
Do not gamble your money away. Spending more than a few Dollars per week on lotteries, bingo and other kind of gambling has a greater chance of making you poor than of making you rich. Clearly, if you never play the lottery you are never going to win, but you could play all your life and still never win.
Don't overlook a reliable way to make a fortune: Invest in tax-deferred savings plans as much as you can. Pay off high-interest debt. Live within your means.
The Eight of Pentacles implies a time of great diligence and focus. It advises you to take care of business, whether a work project, family difficulty, personal goal or unpleasant duty. Sometimes blessings fall into our laps to be enjoyed. Other times we must put out great effort to obtain them. The Eight of Pentacles represents moments when you need to exert extra effort. This kind of work is invigorating and leads to superb results. The labor of the Eight of Pentacles is deeply satisfying and productive.
The Eight of Pentacles can also symbolize the impulse to learn and to broaden horizons. Sometimes we need to develop new skills. We do research, dig out facts or search for expertise. The Hermit is looking for inner knowledge. You too must seek knowledge and try to understand the material world.
This card can also show the need for meticulous attention. People who are painstaking are often dismissed as nit-pickers, but their extra effort ensures everything is as it should be. It's a matter of caring - taking the time to check the little details. Now is not the time to be slipshod or casual. Look for errors, and tie up loose ends. The key to success is an extraordinary effort. Whatever your task, the Eight of Pentacles tells you to give it your all in every way.
The personality of the Queen of Pentacles combines the positive earth energy of the Pentacles suit with the inward focus of a Queen. If you were to visit the Queen of Pentacles, the first thing she would say is, "Come in, come in. It's great to see you. Have a bowl of soup!" No one is more welcoming and nurturing than she. Her greatest pleasure is to care for others - making sure they are happy and secure. Her home is always overflowing with children, pets, plants and footloose friends. She is warm and generous to all. In day-to-day matters, she is sensible and practical. She doesn't have a lot of time for elaborate plans and other craziness. If something needs doing, she just takes care of it without a lot of fuss and bother. If necessary, she makes do with little and always comes through in a pinch. There is a down-to-earth, matter-of-factness about her. She is always loyal and steadfast. Because she is trusting by nature, others trust her completely. When you are hurting or in need, the Queen of Pentacles will calm your fears and share your troubles.
The Queen of Pentacles asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you feeling warm and caring toward others? Are you being sensible? Have you been true to your word? Do you feel generous? Can you be counted on when times are tough? This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of warmth, trust and security.
Judgement symbolizes evaluation. It is time to look at your life and decide whether you are doing what you would like to be doing. Are you satisfied with your life? If you are not happy with your job or with your relationships, think about what you need to do to change your life.
This card also reminds us about legal proceedings. Are your affairs in order? Are your debts paid? Have you met your commitments? Have you been fair to those around you? Have you been honest? Make sure that you meet all your pending obligations.
The Two of Swords represents the barriers we put up between ourselves and others as well as the barriers that we create for ourselves. Internally, we block off emotions and refuse to feel them. We avoid looking at the truth and pretend that everything's OK. We think one way, but feel another. In countless ways, we divide off parts of ourselves and try to maintain them even when we know they need to be reconciled.
The Two of Swords often appears when you are not willing to accept some truth about yourself or the situation. What are you really feeling? Are you resisting tender feelings because you might be hurt? Are you furious even though you're smiling? What are you refusing to look at? With blinfolds you can't look at the truth or even acknowledge that there is trouble.
The most common barrier is a closed heart. When we cut ourselves off emotionally, we sever the connection that allows our love to flow outward. Sometimes this action is necessary, but it always comes at a great price. Every time we close off our heart, we find it more difficult to open again. Another barrier between people is a deadlocked situation. When two parties are set in their positions - cut off from each other - there is a stalemate. To break it, the "opponents" must come out from behind their swords and listen to each other. The lesson of the Two of Swords is that barriers are not the answer. We must stay open if we are to find peace and wholeness.
The Ace of Wands is a symbol of creativity, excitement, adventure, courage and personal power. Examine your creative ideas and the need to act boldly.
Determine how your confidence can work for you. Expand your limits. Be initiative. Be original. Explore your creative potential.
The Lovers represent love and sex. The purpose of life is procreation because without procreation there would be no life. However, there are so many people in the world that you as an individual do not have to worry about perpetuating the human race. You can aspire toward relationships where friendship and mutual trust are the foundation of love. Above all, be responsible and truthful. Say what you mean and do what you say. It is better to express your doubts about a relationship than to suppress your feelings. Any relationship built on false hopes eventually crumbles.
If you are thinking about having sex make sure that you understand what you are getting into. What do you know about birth control and sexually transmitted diseases?
What would you do if you got pregnant?
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